Suggested Lenten Practices
Bishop Wright's Annual Lenten Series
This 5-part series themed, Growing Up in Christ!, invites us to embrace spiritual maturity for the sake of our relationships, communities, and the world. St. Paul challenges us to “grow in every way more like Christ” (Ephesians 4).
Through small, intentional steps, like asking the Holy Spirit to guide us, aligning our lives with Jesus’ invitation to abundant life, and trusting in God’s faithfulness, we can grow in friendship with Christ and transform our lives and the world.
United Thank Offering (UTO)
make a practice of thank offerings during Lent
In 1889, two Episcopal women envisioned a way to collect small thank offerings in homes as a personal expression of gratitude. Today, UTO contributions from Episcopalians around the world support more than 5,300 Episcopal missions and ministries. UTO boxes/envelopes are in the Gallery. Make checks out to The Episcopal Church Women, noting UTO in the memo. Ingathering will be Sunday, April 27.
A Booklet from Living Compass
free in the gallery, limited supply
If you are looking for a Lenten devotional to read as a spiritual practice during Lent, pick up one of the Living Compass booklets in the gallery: Living Well Through Lent 2025: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit In Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind. Prefer a digital practice? A free PDF version is also available at You can also sign up to receive a daily email of each reflection for free.
Meditation Booklet
Free Online Offering from Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD)
You’re invited to subscribe to ERD’s Lenten Meditations! Visit to sign up for daily meditation emails, written by Miguel Escobar, on living an authentic life as followers of Christ.